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You searched for: pay attention

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Dog at therapy appointment tells psychiatrist watching squirrel it wants someone to pay attention to them.
  • Indifferent kitty student answers doesn’t care on 100% score quiz & is cats class valedictorian.
  • Kitty date at bar ignores loving boyfriend, indifferent distain is enticing turn on.
  • The grim reaper nearly kills the wrong person because he's distracted by his phone.
  • A man reads grilling tips and doesn't listen to the one that says to pay attention.
  • Couple see signs for deer crossing, falling rock, then falling deer.
  • Toddlers are asked to turn off cell phones at day care.
  • A man grills while driving.
  • This time, a man will notice his wife's new hairstyle.
  • Two giraffes think they sense low-lying predators, but the third giraffe sensed a low-lying branch by running into it.
  • A woman accidentally bakes Garfield with her lasagna.

You searched for: pay attention